Building automation systems

myGEZE Control 8-channel digital input terminal * Digital input terminal with eight inputs to detect binary control signals from the process level

myGEZE Control 8-channel digital input terminal
  • Eight channels that indicate their signal state through light emitting diodes
  • Control signals are transported to the basic controller in a galvanically isolated manner
  • No bouncing due to the mechanical switch thanks to 3 ms input filter
  • Status LEDs indicate the input status directly
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Application Areas

  • Connection of non-bus-capable components to the GEZE building system
  • Suitable for signals with a rated voltage of 24 V DC

Technical data

myGEZE Control 8-channel digital input terminal
Dimensions 12 x 100 x 68 mm
Service temperature -10 - 40 °C
Type of installation Top hat rail mounting

Variants & Accessories


Centrala GEZE Polska +48-224-404-440 GEZE Service +48-224-404-450