
Rollan 80 NT glass * Sliding door fitting system for glass doors with a leaf weight of 80 kg

Set Rollan 80 NT for glass leaf / Rollan 80 NT glass
  • For glass leaves with a 30 mm glass clamping plate
  • With damping on one or both sides, for doors up to 40 kg leaf weight so that the door is stopped gently and pulled autonomously into the end position
  • Uniform track for Rollan 40 and 80 allows for easy adjustment to changing applications
  • Smooth-running roller carriages that can be set in motion with little force
  • Easy adjustment of the space between the door leaf and track
  • Retractable suspension plates allow for the door to be installed with a small clearance between the track and the upper edge of the door
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  • Tested for durability in accordance with DIN EN 1527 to 50,000 testing cycles
  • Closed aluminium track protects against ingress of dust and dirt
  • Simple, direct ceiling installation or bracket mounting on ceiling and wall
  • Simple adjustment of the space between door leaf and rail / readjustment also possible when installed
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Application Areas

  • For medium-weight interior sliding doors
  • For passage doors or partition walls in living and office areas
  • Lower space requirements for the door fitting means simple installation even in tight areas
  • Single and multiple-leaf sliding doors
  • Installation on the ceiling or wall

Technical data

Rollan 80 NT glass
Leaf material Toughened safety glass (ESG-H), Laminated safety glass (LSG from toughened safety glass)
Leaf weight (max.) 80 kg
Number of leaves 1-leaf, 2-leaf
Leaf width (min.) 500 mm
Leaf width (max.) 1640 mm
Leaf height (max.) 3500 mm
Leaf thickness from 8 mm
Leaf thickness to 12 mm
Track geometry straight
Test cycles 50000
EN 1670 Corrosion resistance 1 (acc. to EN 1670: Class 0 = none defined, Class 1 = low, Class 2 medium, Class 3 = high, Class 4 = very high, Class 5 = extraordinary)
EN 1527 Continuous function 50,000 test cycles
Type of installation Ceiling, Wall
DIN direction left / right
Telescope No
Automated No
Duosync No
Access for all according to DIN 18040
Manual operation Yes
Colour Mill finish

Variants & Accessories


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