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Building automation

Building automation

Building automation makes your building a more comfortable place to be: safer and more comfortable, and you save more energy. It facilitates the monitoring and operation of all building technology, something that is indispensable in larger buildings.

Smart façades
Building automation

Smart façades

Smart façades analyse all environmental data independently: For your requirements and for energy efficiency. For the high claims to be satisfied by building shells, window opening systems, e.g. are optimally controlled.

Climate active façade
Building automation Smart façades

Climate active façade

Automatic night-time back cooling
Building automation Smart façades

Automatic night-time back cooling

Smoke and heat extraction system
Building automation Smart façades

Smoke and heat extraction system

Smoke and heat extraction system control panels

Smoke and heat extraction system control panels

Control units are the brain and the power supply of the smoke and heat extraction system in your building. They control all smoke and heat extraction system components for safe smoke and heat extraction in case of fire.

Corner fittings and pivot bearing
Glass partition walls Static glass partition walls Glass clamping fittings

Corner fittings and pivot bearing

Locks and strike boxes
Glass partition walls Static glass partition walls Glass clamping fittings

Locks and strike boxes

Fan light and connector patches
Glass partition walls Static glass partition walls Glass clamping fittings

Fan light and connector patches

Activation devices and sensor systems
Swing doors Accessories for swing doors

Activation devices and sensor systems

In a manner of speaking, they are the brains behind the swing doors and focus entirely on convenience and security. Activation devices and sensors create accessibility and protect against accidents.